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Augustus P. Reynolds


Augustus Percival Reynolds was born on Florence Street, Dublin, on 29th August 1895. He joined the Fianna, rising to the position of Adjutant General and also serving as editor of the organisation’s newspaper. Along with his father John and sister Mary, Reynolds participated in the Easter Rising, seeing action in a variety of locations throughout the week, including Jacob’s Biscuit Factory, the Royal College of Surgeons and the Turkish Baths. He was imprisoned in Wormwood Scrubs and Frongoch prison camp until September 1916. He ended his involvement in Irish republicanism upon his release, instead pursuing a successful career in the transport industry, becoming the first director of Aer Lingus in 1936 and the first chairman of the Coras Iompair Éireann (CIÉ) in 1945. He was also involved in racehorse breeding and art collecting throughout his life.


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